D.O. or Do Not: The Osteopathic Physician's Journey for Premed & Medical Students
Interviews with Osteopathic physicians on how their trials and tribulations got them to where they are! Geared towards osteopathic students but also for all healthcare students, pre-medical students, practicing physicians as well as anyone else interested in medicine. Team: Pre-Medical and Medical Students. Mentor: Dr. Ian Storch, DO
D.O. or Do Not: The Osteopathic Physician's Journey for Premed & Medical Students
Episode 121: Dr. Andrea Amalfitano, D.O. PhD Michigan State Dean and Bench Scientist, Could this be our smartest DO to date?
Dr. Andrea Amalfitano is an osteopathic physician, has a PhD, is a pediatrician, geneticist, educator, patient advocate, virologist, dean . . . and so much more!
In today's episode Dr. Amalfitano discusses his pathway to Osteopathic Medicine, from an immigrant family and a father who recommended medicine becuase. . . "doctors are never out of work!" to a pediatric residency at the esteemed "Mayo Clinic," to being a researcher at Duke University and ultimately coming full circle to return to Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine as Dean.
Dr. Amalfitano is well spoken, witty, and may be the smartest D.O. we've had as a guest to date.
Listen to his ideas on Osteopathic Medicine . . . MSU . . . PhD. . . clinical medicine and the adenovirus! He will make you want to go to Osteopathic School AND pursue a PhD!