D.O. or Do Not: The Osteopathic Physician's Journey for Premed & Medical Students

Episode 147: D.O. Myths and Misconceptions 3: Osteopathic Manipulation is a Placebo? No Science? NOT! C.O.R.K.: The Conference on Osteopathic Research and Knowledge- Evidence based OMM

Ian Storch & Tianyu She

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This is our third episode in a Series called M and M , or Myths and Misconceptions about Osteopathic Medicine.  Today we will tackle the sentiment that “Osteopathic Manual Medicine is Voodoo.”  Typically this is based on the fact that the scientific evidence behind the modality is limited.  

I want to start by sharing with our listeners that a large percentage of what we do in “conventional medical care” on a daily basis does not have scientific foundation.  That having been said, there is no question that in Western Medicine- what we strive for is evidence to support our practice.  This includes many types of studies ranging from “bench work” in a lab to clinical research on patients.

To tackle the question of is there “evidence” to support OMT, we will speak with Dr. Jordan Keys, DO professor of OMT at NYIT-COM and Dr. Kim Wolf, DO director of Pediatric OMM at  Touro California.  They will speak about their importance of showing the validity of Osteopathic Manipulation and the the others around the world that support their passion.

They will share with us the conference they started this year which they call CORK or the Conference on Osteopathic Research and Knowledge, where they bring together scientist from around the world to share their insights into Evidence Based Osteopathic Care.